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Population Increase


MidPen Housing's project could increase the population East of HWY 1 in Moss Beach by 26%


MidPen’s project could house 359 people, based on occupancy numbers of their other projects, such as Half Moon Bay. This does not include visitors to the community center.


MidPen Housing's occupancy numbers are: 1-3 people per 1BR, 2-5 people per 2BR, 3-7 people for 3BR. Assuming maximum occupancy, the 71 unit proposed development in Moss Beach would house 359 people as follows:


16 1BR = 16 x 3 = 48

37 2BR = 37 x 5 = 185

18 3BR = 18 x 7 = 126

Total = 359


There are 1065 households in all of Moss Beach (title search). Based on 2014 census figures, Moss Beach population was 3435, so approx. 3.23 people per household.


Moss Beach East of HWY 1, the neighborhood directly connected with the proposed development, has approximately 423 existing households, so its population is approx. 1366 using current Moss Beach calculations of 3.23 people per household.




• Google Maps

• US Census Data


Compass Family Services



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